

Inclusions in lab-grown diamonds refer to the internal characteristics or flaws naturally present within the diamond crystal as it is formed in a laboratory. These inclusions comprise various mineral traces, growth patterns, or other imperfections typical of diamonds formed under high pressure and temperature conditions. These inclusions affect the stone's clarity and overall appearance almost equally in natural and lab-grown diamonds. Gemologists use magnification and grading systems to evaluate these inclusions and assign clarity grades to lab-grown diamonds, similar to how they assess natural diamonds.



A loupe is a specialized magnifying tool that is crucial to the assessment of inclusions in a diamond, both natural and lab-grown. This tool typically consists of a lens that aids substantial magnification, enabling close examination of the internal characteristics of a diamond. When evaluating inclusions, gemologists use a loupe to carefully inspect the size, shape, location, and nature of these imperfections within the diamond. By doing so, they can determine the diamond's clarity grade, a key indicator of its overall quality and value.

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